This page summarizes FAQ about TPAM Direction tickets. (Latest update on February 4th)


Q1. Will same-day tickets be available on the day of each performance?

A1. Same-day tickets will be available only for those who win the advance lottery. Please find more information HERE.

Tickets for streaming are available until the start time of streaming.


Q2. Can I cancel my ticket after purchasing?

A2. Your ticket can be cancelled as below.

Tickets for Designated seats: By 18:00 on the day 8 days before each performance

Tickets for Streaming: Until the start time of streaming

Please note that the handling fees will be charged for cancellation and refund. 

Please see HERE for the details of cancellation.


Q3. Can I change the date or time of my ticket after purchasing?

A3. You cannot make any changes on the tickets you purchased. When you would like to make changes, please cancel the ticket first, then purchase the one on a new date and time. Please see “Q2” about cancellation.


Q4. When will cancelled tickets for designated seats be restored for sale?

A4. Cancelled tickets for designated seats will be restored accordingly for sale.


Q5.Can I transfer the ticket purchased from Peatix to someone else?

For Professionals: Your ticket CANNOT be transferred. A professional ticket can be purchased only by the registered person once per performance.

For Audiences: Your ticket can be transferred. Please see HERE for the details.