Amazon Club Online:ディレクターズ・ナイト — ヘリー・ミナルティ・ナイトAmazon Club Online: Director’s Night — Helly Minarti Night
ヘリー・ミナルティ, アルフィアン・トリオノ・ハルトアディ, タマラHelly Minarti, Arfian Triono Hartoadi, Tamarra
オンライン配信Accessible online 2.9 Tue 22:00 - 00:30 オンライン配信Accessible online 2.9 Tue 22:00 - 00:30
- 英語English
TPAM参加者に愛され、本音の議論と多くの出会いを生んだ伝説のレイトナイト・ミーティング・ポイント「Amazon Club」をオンラインで再現(実店舗は惜しくも昨年12月に閉店し、現在「アマゾンクラブ移転プロジェクト」が進行中)。TPAMディレクションの海外拠点ゲストディレクターをMCに招いて「ディレクターズ・ナイト」を開催します。ドリンク片手に、昼間の地域の方は仕事の合間に、ぜひご参加ください。
そこで、アマゾンクラブに敬意を表して、酒、マッコリ、焼酎などの自家醸造元Racun Jinggaをパートナーのアンナと創立したアルフィアン・トリオノ・ハルトアディを迎えます。共通の知人であるパフォーマンス・アーティストのタマラと一緒に、飲酒の楽しみに関わる厳しい真実、宗教政治が蔓延する中での市民的自由、保守化が進む社会において個人の自由のための反体制的な空間を切り開くための生の戦略についておしゃべりしたいと思います。できれば自家製か地産のお酒を持ち込んでご参加ください。
TPAM participants’ hidden gem at night, “Amazon Club” in Yokohama is happening beyond borders (the real Amazon Club was closed in December 2020, but “Amazon Club Relocation Project” has been going on). Inviting the international guest directors of TPAM Direction as hosts, we’ll present “Directors’ Nights.” Grab your favorite drinks and join us to boost yourself in your time zone.
Helly Minarti Night
Life is made out of simple pleasures, such as moderate drinking, which in the current political situation in Indonesia, is getting threatened to disappear. In cultural-diverse, democratic Indonesia, despite its being the largest Muslim society in the world, there are actually some local cultures which have its own drinking tradition. In my childhood, my Mother once let me taste the Balinese brem (rice wine). With neo-conservatism rising since the late 1990s (ironically following the democratisation process triggered by the Reform 1998 movement), such laid-back attitude towards fermented drinking evaporated, eroded by the pressure of the growing populist ultra conservative or fundamentalist Muslim organisations who deemed its as haram (forbidden). In July 2015, such lobby resulted in the new regulation by Indonesia's Ministry of Economy which issued tax rise for imported alcohol drinks by 150%. The local brewery industry (with major brands) had to adjust their prices too. In November 2020, three political parties (two of them Islamic parties) proposed a bill to the House of Representative for banning alcohol drinks altogether.
In honour of Amazon Club, I will join Arfian Triono Hartoadi, who with his wife Anna, founded Racun Jingga, a homemade production of sake, makkoli and shochu at their home. We will be accompanied by our mutual friends, Tamarra, a performance artist, to converse around the hard truths of the pleasure of drinking, civic freedom in the face of rampant religion politics, and other life strategies as ways of carving a subversive space for individual freedom among a society that is moving towards conservatism. You are all invited to join, preferably by bringing a homemade or locally-made drinks of your choice.
ヘリー・ミナルティHelly Minarti
ジャカルタで生まれ育つ。インディペンデントの放浪するダンス研究者/キュレーターとして、理論と実践をつなぐラディカルな戦略を探求する。ブリティッシュ・カウンシル・インドネシアのアート部門長(2001~2003年)の職務においてキュレーターとして始動。近年のキュレーター活動に移動舞台芸術フェスティバルの形態のエクスチェンジ・プラットフォーム「Jejak-旅 Tabi Exchange: Wandering Asian Contemporary Performance」がある。気の合う友人たちとおしゃべりしながらの適度な飲酒を楽しみ、それを探求すべき慎ましい転覆行為のひとつと考えている。最近ジョグジャカルタに移り、振付の批評的概念をダンスの領域を超えて拡張するための協働リサーチプラットフォーム「LINGKARAN | koreografi」を立ち上げている。
Helly Minarti was born and grew up in Jakarta. She works as an independent, itinerant dance scholar/curator, rethinking radical strategies to connect practice and theory. She worked as Head of Arts for the British Council Indonesia (2001-03) which set her off to curating. Her most recent curatorial project is Jejak-旅 Tabi Exchange: Wandering Asian Contemporary Performance, an exchange platform that takes the format of a travelling festival of performing arts. She enjoys drinking moderately, at best joined by likeminded friends and peers to chat away with. She considers it as one of various practices she is exploring as part of subtle subversion. She has relocated to Yogyakarta since late 2018 where she is setting up LINGKARAN | koreografi, designed to be a collaborative research platform on pushing the notion of choreography beyond its dance realm.
アルフィアン・トリオノ・ハルトアディArfian Triono Hartoadi
東ジャワ州シトゥボンド県出身。ジョクジャカルタに長年在住。2013に伴侶のアンナと自家製発酵酒と蒸留酒の製造元Racun Jinggaを創立。当初はインドネシアブランド/輸入アルコール飲料の価格高騰の傾向とその反面の地産製造活動の危険を意識して友人より学んだ。自身の消費のために製造したことを発端に友人や近しい取り巻きより注文が殺到。現在もち米からのお酒の製造、「ハニーポテト」、紫芋(地元では日本芋と呼ばれる)、もち黒米(二人の好物)、ソルガム等の他の原料を用いて実験的に製造。ムラピ火山の近くにある自宅を友人たちのくつろぎの場として開放。友人たちをおもてなししていない時は、アトリエで鍛冶工として働いている。
Arfian Triono Hartoadi originates from Situbondo in East Java but has been living in Yogyakarta for many years. In 2013, he and his wife Anna set up Racun Jingga, a homebase production for fermented and distilled liquor. They first learnt it from a friend, meaning as a response to the trend of high priced branded/imported quality alcohol in Indonesia on one side, and the unsafe practice of locally made ones. Starting production for personal consumption, before they knew, they got orders from friends and closest circle. Nowadays they produce sake from sticky rice, and experiment with other base as well such as of 'honey potato', purple potato (often called locally as Japanese potatoes), sticky black rice (their favourite!) and sorghum. They open their home — a short drive to Merapi volcano — to be a kind of spot for friends to chill out. When not entertaining friends, Arfi can be found in his studio. He works as blacksmith.
西ジャワ州タシクマラヤ市出身。1989年生まれ。ジョクジャカルタのSanata Dharma大学で歴史学を専攻中の独学のアーティスト。2008年にジョクジャカルタに移住し、2013年まで路上で表現活動。2011年から2013年にかけてアートプロジェクト「Makcik Project」に参加し、自身のヴィジュアルアート活動を開始。作品はジェンダーとセクシュアリティ、インドネシアのトランスジェンダーの歴史、宗教と人類をめぐっている。Gertrude Contemporaryでの「Ancient MSG」(オーストラリア/2015年)、ジャカルタのRoh ProjectsおよびバンドゥンのRuang Gerilyaでの「Unsung Museum」(2016〜2017)、2019年にブリティッシュ・カウンシルの委嘱とCemeti: Institute for Arts and Societyの支援を受けてのエマ・フランクランドとの「Bissu(ビッス)」に関する共同リサーチプロジェクトなど、多くのアートプロジェクトや展示を展開している。
Tamarra (b. Tasikmalaya, West Java, 1989), is a self-taught artist who is now studying at the University of Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta, majoring in history. Tamarra moved to Yogyakarta in 2008 and worked as street busker until 2013. Between 2011-2013, Tamarra joined an arts project titled Makcik Project which initiated a personal work in the field of visual arts. Tamarra’s works discusses the issues of gender and sexuality, the histories of transgender in Indonesia, religion and humanity. Tamarra has been involved in various arts projects and exhibitions, among them (selected): Ancient MSG (2015) at Gertrude Contemporary, Australia, Unsung Museum (2016-2017) at Roh Projects in Jakarta and Ruang Gerilya (Bandung); ‘Calabai Janggeng’, a collaborative research presentation with Emma Frankland on Bissu, commissioned by British Council 2019. This ongoing research above is supported by Cemeti: Institute for Arts and Society.