国立奥多摩美術館The National Museum of Art, Okutama
東京都青梅市二俣尾5-157Map5-157 Futamatao, Ome, TokyoMap
1.30 Sat 17:00 - 17:40
上演時間Run Time 40分40min
1.30 Sat 17:00 - 17:40
上演時間Run Time 40分40min





出演:阿目虎南、謝花翔陽、鳴神硬雪、Sebastian Roncallo Ramirez
音楽:網田破裂音、Nyankee, the Beach、鳴神硬雪
共催:Arts Inc.

Direction, Choreography: Conan Amok
Cast: Conan Amok, Shoyo Jahana, Kohsetsu Narukami, Sebastian Roncallo Ramirez
Music: Hurleyzone Amida, Nyankee, the Beach, Kohsetsu Narukami
Art, Lighting:
The National Museum of Art, Okutama(Masahiro Satsuka, Tomohiro Nagahata, Masahiro Wada)
Shooting: Masahiro Wada
Produce: Conan Amok
Co-sponsored: Arts Inc.
Venue, planning cooperation: The National Museum of Art, Okutama

阿目虎南によるパフォーマンス。出演に美術作家の謝花翔陽、覆面太鼓打ちの鳴神硬雪、コロンビアより招聘された El Telon Theatre Companyを主催するパフォーマーのSebastian Roncallo Ramirezを迎える。会場である国立奥多摩美術館メンバーに企画協力を得て、彼らの舞台美術を背景に、無骨且つスリリングなコラボレーション・パフォーマンスを行う。山中のオルタナティブなスペースでの上演につき、暖かい服装でお越しください。上演時間約40分。


Performance show, directed by Conan Amok. Performers: Shoyo Jahana(Contemporary artist) Kohsetsu Narukami(Masked Japanese Drummer) Sebastian Roncallo Ramirez(Performer from Colombia, El Telon Theatre Company). The stage art is build by artists of The National Museum of Art,Okutama(cooperation for venue and planning).There will happen rough and thrilling collaboration work. This program is held in an alternative theater in small mountain, so please dress up warm. The show is 40min.

Conan Amok

阿目虎南Conan Amok

2008-2019 舞踏カンパニー 大駱駝艦 に所属、麿赤兒に師事。在籍時よりダンサー・振付家・俳優として、国内外にて幅広く活動。2020年 Dance Base Yokohama レジデンスアーティスト。国内での公演(配信含む)・WSの自主企画、TVドラマ・映画・MV・舞台への出演に加え、南米・コロンビアでの公演・WSツアーの開催やダンスフェスティバルへの招聘など、海外へ向けた活動にも取り組む。
2008-2019 Belong to Butoh company "Dairakudakan", studied under Akaji Maro. From the time of his career in the company, there were so many activities of him, as a dancer, choreographer,actor. 2020, residence in Dance Base Yokohama. In Japan, he produced some shows and W.S of himself, while the activities in TV dramas, movies, MV, theaters as a guest performer. Add to these, his shows and W.S was held in Bogota, Colombia. He is working on overseas activities.