2030世界漂流2030 WORLD DRIFTING

Super Theater 小池博史ブリッジプロジェクトSuper Theater Hiroshi Koike Bridge Project

吉祥寺シアターKichijoji Theatre
〒180-0004 東京都武蔵野市吉祥寺本町1-33-22Map1-33-22 Honmachi, Kichijoji, Musashino, Tokyo 180-0004Map
2.8 Thu 19:30
2.9 Fri 19:30
2.10 Sat 13:30 / 18:30
2.11 Sun 13:30
2.12 Mon 13:30 / 18:30
上演時間Run Time 85 min


2.8 Thu 以前の公演日程:

2.3 Sat 13:30

2.4 Sun 13:30

2.5 Mon 19:30

2.6 Tue 19:30

2.7 Wed 13:30


Schedule before 2.8 Thu:

2.3 Sat 13:30

2.4 Sun 13:30

2.5 Mon 19:30

2.6 Tue 19:30

2.7 Wed 13:30


前売 一般 ¥5,000

前売 学生 ¥3,900

前売 高校生以下 ¥2,500

前売 本セット券 ¥6,950

当日 本セット券 ¥7,450

当日 一般 ¥5,500

当日 学生 ¥4,400

当日 高校生以下 ¥3,000

VIP券 ¥10,000(前売のみ/各回限定5席)

アルテ友の会会員価格(前売のみ/公益財団法人武蔵野文化事業団でのみの取り扱い)一般 ¥4,500



Adv General ¥5,000

Adv Student ¥3,900

Adv High school and below ¥2,500

Adv ticket with a book ¥6,950

Door ticket with a book ¥7,450

Door General ¥5,500

Door Student ¥4,400

Door High school and below ¥3,000

The Musashino Cultural Foundation Member (*Adv only. Available at The Musashino Cultural Foundation) General ¥4,500
VIP ¥10,000

TPAM Registrant Benefit: "2030 WORLD DRIFTING" Original Postcard Set (Perfromances from 2.8-12 only)

多言語(日本語メイン)Multilingual (Main language: Japanese)



With the theme of “Wanderers, the ones who driven out from home”, 2030 World Drifting stars Philippe Aymard, the former member of Cirque du Soleil, Moon Moon Singh, the young actress representing India and 13 performers with various backgrounds. Music is performed live by Yutaka Ota, the Japanese traditional flute / saxophone player, Shitamachi Kyoudai and so on. Additionally, Koji Hamai's costume and Naoto Iina's media art make up the unique view of the world of this production. In 2030, what future would the drifting people around the world have? 

More information / Contact

Super Theater 小池博史ブリッジプロジェクトSuper Theater Hiroshi Koike Bridge Project


After the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011, director Hiroshi Koike dissolved his former company Pappa TARAHUMARA and established Hiroshi Koike Bridge Project (HKBP). Through performing arts, he depicts how to move away from a limited society of consumerism, toward a more harmonious society. In addition to performance projects, HKBP also aims to make a better society by presenting a comprehensive perspective through workshops and lectures to not only Japanese citizens but also to people outside of Japan.