Wang’s life and a part of Wang


gallery to plus
B1 1-12-4 Jiyugaoka, Meguro-ku, Tokyo
2.6 Sat11:00 / 15:00 / 19:00
2.7 Sun11:00 / 15:00 / 19:00
2.8 Mon14:00 / 19:00
2.9 Tue14:00 / 19:00
2.10 Wed14:00 / 19:00
2.12 Fri14:00 / 19:00
2.13 Sat11:00 / 15:00 / 19:00
2.14 Sun10:00 / 14:00 / 17:00

Run Time:60 min
English synopsis provided
Adv & Door¥2,000


Registration for TPAM is required to receive the benefit.

• Please make reservations via an TPAM My Page, to which we invite you after your registration. Availability is limited.

• Please bring your TPAM Pass to the venue or please tell your name at the door if you don’t have TPAM Pass.

Professional(Registration required) Audience
Please ask the company

This is the story of Wang, the owner of a local Chinese restaurant.

As audience members listen to Wang’s story about how he became the owner of the restaurant, his wartime experience, his family, and his life after coming to Japan, this performance aims to create a structure that provides satisfaction to audience members as they diverge from Wang’s story and let their imaginations flow as they watch the performance.

Wang’s life and a part of Wang appeals to the imagination, both from the perspective of Wang’s story itself and also through the audience members’ own experiences.


H-TOA began in 2015. It operates primarily in Tokyo. It creates pieces that emphasize not only the importance of what occurs on stage and but also the need for audience members to distance themselves from the space and think for themselves. The company members are Tomohiro Minematsu and Yuzuka Takubo.


Phone: 080-4243-5782 / Email