《Asian Performing Arts Artist-In-Residence》 Artist Presentation Ⅱ

siren eun young jung (Seoul)

BankART Studio NYK 2F
2.12 Fri11:30-12:20
Professionaladmission free
※reservation not required, at the door only

With English-Japanese simultaneous interpretation

Speaker: siren eun youg jung

The three Asian Performing Arts Artist-in-Residence Artist Presentations are for the artists-in-residence who are working on a new creation to introduce their ideas and plans and to look for co-production partners. siren eun young jung, whose (Off) Stage / Masterclass was presented in TPAM 2014, has consistently taken feminist approaches to her creations. She reports on her research conducted during her two-month stay in Japan in the Asian Performing Arts Artist-in-Residence program.

siren eun young jung

siren eun young jung studied in Visual Art and Feminist Theory at Ewha Womans University in Seoul and at the University of Leeds. Her artistic interest lies in how the yearning desires of unknown individuals meet with the events of the world, how such contacts become resistance, history, or even politics. Since 2008, she has been working on Yeosung Gukgeuk (Korean Traditional Female Theater) Project in which she follows a community of performers of the genre. In 2013, she was awarded Hermes Foundation Missulsang with the project. Now she is expanding her research area to other Asian female theater, including Takarazuka and Taiwanese Opera.


Organized by PARC – Japan Center, Pacific Basin Arts Communication
Supported by The Agency for Cultural Affairs Government of Japan in the fiscal 2015